Sad Art

Here’s a sketch that I recently drew on a more somber day…

Sadness can be an extremely destructive emotion, almost as if an addictive debilitating drug feeding on a self perpetuating spiral of despair and helplessness...when in a depressive form, it can bring one to total catatonic failure...overwhelmed by emptiness and unable to see or make sense of anything or anyone..
It is refreshing then that as this emotion has such a huge strength, it can become almost overpowering when portrayed in art. Take this fantastic piece from Seo Yeong Deok made up from bicycle chain...

or this wonderful piece by Michael Magrath which is made from from salt stone and is designed to degrade in time, making it every day that little bit more hopeless....

........they both reek of the hollow shell that is a man in the throws of the empty lonely darkness.

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